Sunday 30 May 2010


Pre school children can use pencil and caryons. They can use scissors also. They like to draw, colour and paste. With these skills they are eager to do some art and craft activities. They need help when doing craft activities.

* Help them only when they need.
* Encourage them to talk about their works (drawing or craft work).
* Hang their works in their room, kitchen or in the living room.

As they develop short term memories provide them age appropriate puzzles and building blogs.Puzzles and blogs also help them to develop their hand and finger muscles.
* When a child starts to use puzzle or building blog the activity should be finished.
* If your child finds it difficult to finish help it to finish but don't do the whole thing.

Friday 21 May 2010


Preschool children develop likes and dislikes. As they can express their feelilgs verbaly, they start to speek in this way:
"I hate you,"
"I hate your present,"
"Go away,"
"Get out" and
"Shut up."
These style of speeking should not be encouraged or ignored. Train your children when, where and how to express their feelings. Train your children not to hurt others feelings, when expressing their own feelings. Teach them to express their feeling in a polite manner. Speak polite in front of them. Be a good role model.

It was Kevin's birthday. Kevin's aunt brought a present for him. Kevin was dissapointed when he opened the parcel because, it a was a book. Kevin has no intrest in books. So he through it away and told,"I hate it." Kevin's mother took the book, hugged kevin and started to speek in a soft vioce, "kevin look your aunt's face. She is worried. you could say, ' Aunt, I can't read books now. But I can read this book when I grow up. Thank you for your present.'"

As kevin found this way of speeking good, he said the same to his aunt. The aunt was happy. Kevin also.

Monday 17 May 2010


Preschool age (3-5) children show fear of dark, animal, water, seperation and death. Though these fears are normal for their age, the fears must be overcome by the help of the adults.

* Don't think these fears will vanish automatically when they grow up.
* Don't tease them for their fears.
* don't scold them for their fears.
* Deal with these fears carefully.
* Overcoming these fears will take time. you should have patience.
* Buy an appropriate picture book about fears and read it to them.

Sunday 16 May 2010


Per school age (3-5): A period to prepare for school and furtre.

Preschool children-Self help skills

*They can be toilet trained;
*They can get a snack when they are hungry;
*They can dress themselves;
*They can decied to take rest when they are tired.

This does not mean that can care for themselves. They still need adults help and supervision.

*Let them do these tasks on their own.
*Help them when they asks for help.
*Admire them when they do these tasks alone but, please don't tease or scold them when they find it difficult to do on their own. Every child is a unique . They need their own time.