Friday, 25 February 2011

How to Handle The Refusal to Eat

Feeding small children is a challenge to mothers because of their refusal.

Most of the mothers used to complain that their todllers often refuse food.  Feeding their toddlers nutrient meals is a big challenge for many mothers. There may be two reasons for the  refusal of toddlers.
1.  They refuse food when they are not hungry.
2.  They refuse food to assert their newly found independence.
The cause for refusal is not important here.  How to cope with this refusal is important here.
1.  Don't force them to eat.
2.  Don't give punishment for their refusal.
3.  Don't give less nutritious food or junk foods as substitute.
You should understand one thing: Children will never let them starve.  Hunger will definitely win the refusal.  So, Just ignore their refusal.
At the same time there are some ways to increase a toddlers hunger.  Before the meal time the toddler can be brought out for a walk  or the toddler can be let play with ball.  This sort of energy consuming activities definitely bring hunger in them.  But the mothers should note one thing  the children will not have enough meal when they are too tired.  so there should be a small resting time in between energy consuming play activity and meal time.
Summary:  Toddlers used to refuse meals.  They should not be forced to have meals and should not be punished for their refusals.  Just ignore their refusal is good.  Energy consuming activities may help to increase hunger in toddlers.  Toddlers will not have enough meals when they are too tired.